Nature of Awe Explorers Group

Looking for more exercises to find awe in your daily life through nature connections and a more interactive experience?

The Written Bird is my playground for exploring topics in essay form and sharing exercises from A Field Guide to Awe, my current manuscript in progress. Part of this project is working one-on-one with my Nature of Awe Explorers Groups. These work groups are obviously in “beta” right now as I figure out how to best communicate the messaging, encourage connections with nature, and make sure everyone is having fun discovering awe in our favorite nature spaces. Thus, they are free.

Interested? You can join my next group!

How it works:

Every week on Saturday night you will be sent an introduction to the topic we are exploring, a list of exercises to choose from, and some questions to ponder your prior week’s experiences. Our three monthly meetings will be deeper dives on topics.

Mandatory meetings are comprised of THREE MONTHLY MEETINGS and ONE WRAP UP MEETING. In between these mandatory meetings is a weekly office hour/social hour via Zoom. There is also a private Facebook group for sharing experiences, completed exercises and just socializing.

My next Nature of Awe Explorers Group will start in January and spaces are limited to 20 members. If you are interested, get on the waiting list now! I’ll be finalizing the group in December.

Add Yourself to the Waiting List